Do you enjoy traveling? I have met so many people saying to me that they get tired of traveling every day from one place to another. In fact, regular traveling makes them feel sick. And exhausted all the time. I guess I have no idea why would anyone say so? Yes, I do admit that up to certain limits everyday traveling is tiring, especially for those who go offices or colleges for a long distance. When I saw a student of biotechnology, I used to commute every day from my home to my college in Gurgaon. Traveling from Mahendergarh to Gurgaon is a really tiresome journey, especially when you have to do it every day. The distance is more than a hundred kilometers.
I used to get up every day around three in the early morning. Then I had to catch the train at four. At that time, we had only a single train from our city to college. That was the only mode of transportation, easy and comfortable. So, it was really hard to manage both the sides from morning to evening. But I kind of enjoyed it every day. No matter it affected my health traveling every day like this, from morning to evening, with no food or little at college. Then I used to return home by train. From Gurgaon, there’s a train at five and this train reaches my city around eight at night. So this was my daily schedule. And that’s the way I used to enjoy traveling every day.

Traveling every day from morning four to eight at night, I learned a lot, no doubt to even got to enjoy traveling a lot. I used to sleep on the train. I have done road trips. I have even slept standing, sometimes even at the foot-board which was too risky but I managed it. Those were the days of the first year of college and the joy was at the top. I used to tell everyone with pride that I get up at four and cover a distance of some hundred kilometers every day to reach in the college. And everyone used to get surprised. So that’s how I come into this traveling. I enjoyed those days. Traveling to study and traveling to learn, both were of great importance for me those days and I learned a lot of things which I could not learn sitting in the classroom. The observation of human life, the sense of human life, these were some of those things which were hard to understand sitting in the class. It was fun for me which I enjoyed doing all the time. Now, I can say that I enjoy traveling.
Do You Enjoy Traveling?
I often ask people why traveling makes them sick? Most of the time, the concern is a long journey and people don’t easily like it. Traveling for long distances also depends on the mode of transport you are using, if it is rail, bus or airplane. Some people can’t travel in planes, some in buses and some in trains. Some have health issues. But gone are the days, when people used to get scared of long traveling. Now there are services as per one’s choice. Luxury buses, specially made for long journeys are good options. I remember I had to face a lot of problems during our Nepal Journey because it was an unplanned journey and work without planning easily brings you trouble. Whole the way, from border to Kathmandu, I couldn’t sit properly on the bus as it was a small bus and there was not enough space. This can be a big problem while traveling.
Are you traveling alone? Read this post…
So better get your seats booked in order to avoid any problem in the journey. Second, comes the food. This is yet another big reason to be concerned about. How about the food which one can’t even while going on a long journey. You can’t even pack and store the food for long, especially when the journey is too long, like more than two days. Then the food served on the trains or at the bus stops, sometimes really creates problems for people. People have their own preferences and food is a part of the culture. It is a big fact and we can’t deny it. Food is a big concern. As I am also a regular commuter, and once a month or twice I even travel in train, the quality of food served is really not up to the criteria and people easily can’t consume the food. Sometimes, in compulsion, one has to go with the flow. After all, how long will one stay without food?

Besides these people have also choices in transportation mode. Some feel easy with planes, some on road. Public transport in my area is in very bad condition. People don’t follow the rules and the bus looks like a dustbin. On every bus, rules are mentioned like, “don’t smoke” or “maintain the cleanliness” but people enjoy doing it against it. I have seen many people smoking in public transport, I ask them not to do so, some follow some don’t. The situation gets worse when the driver or the conductor himself smoke and break the rules, what to expect from the other people traveling. Especially in the case of Haryana Roadways, as I belong to this state, the condition in the buses is really comic. You will find, love messages scribbled on somewhere, and you will find wrappers thrown under the seats, leftover food items even. People are sitting on the reserved seats for senior citizens and women while they are standing. It’s very rude and not a good thing. People easily don’t understand things and when they are told, they give excuses. As I am living in Gurgaon, and travel in the AC bus from room to office, these buses are somewhat good enough to travel in as compared with other public transport. The red-colored AC bus costs double to the normal bus but it has an AC facility and is clean and people don’t smoke, a good thing to appreciate. But in these buses too, I encountered few instances of rule avoiding and I provided those people with common rules, like sitting on the reserved seats for senior citizens, handicapped, and women.

Traveling in the metro is far better than any other mode of public transport. Metro connects the whole NCR and is a good method of commuting within the capital. Now the metro is the heartbeat of the capital and if you are in Delhi and you didn’t travel in the metro, you missed a lot. Since it the center of attraction for the visitors, Delhi Metro is the only way to travel with ease and comfort and is under budget. Buy a token or buy a metro smart-card to avoid standing in a long queue. There is one reserved compartment for women in every train and every compartment has seats reserved for handicapped, senior citizens, and for women. One must travel for a once if visiting the capital.
So no matter what mode of transportation one is using, there are certain ethics of traveling that should be followed to make the journey comfortable and memorable, after all, you want it. In no way, one wants to get his/her journey ruined due to any unwanted reasons that can be a lack of planning and scheduling, traveling phobia, food, or whatever it can be. Enjoy traveling!
Click here to read about some tips on making your journey memorable, safe, and secure.