Sunday! The day brings a smile on your face. The day can turn you up. The day can make you feel happy after a long working schedule. Yes, Sunday has always been a special day in everyone’s life. Isn’t it? Sundays are cherished. Sundays are celebrated and Sundays are regarded to be the most wanted. I want Sunday to come as soon as possible. I hope you do also. There are a lot of things to do on Sunday. What makes Sundays so special? Well, there are lots of things to be discussed about it. There is whole Christian theory and Sunday being the Sabbath day. Why do we consider Sunday to be special? Is it because it is a holiday? Guess what, it is…
Sunday is Special
Since our childhood, we have all been fascinated by Sunday. We used to play whole the day. Back in our childhood, we have so many things to do on Sunday. Sunday is special because it brings a smile, happiness in everyone’s life. After working long in offices, employers feel happy on Sundays. After working hard in the mills, the laborers feel rejoiced on Sundays. After going to schools for all six days, students all love Sundays. Sundays hold great importance in our lives. No other days are as important as Sunday is. Be it a person of any age, there is always a long list of things to do on Sunday. There is a concrete reason behind Sunday being so special. And what’s that, we all know it. That reason is great enough to hide all other reasons behind Sunday being so special for all of us. Working – nonworking, retired, students, all the people from young to old, they all love Sunday. And who doesn’t? After all, it’s Sunday and Sunday means no work, only fun, and enjoyment. Sunday is the only day that makes you feel happy from inside. After working long all the time every day, all you need is just to sit and relax. And Sunday is when you can do all your enjoyment. After all, it’s Sunday.

Sunday is Funday
If you gonna ask any kid, which day does he like the most, you will get only one reply. No doubt it’s Sunday! Why so?
Because Sunday is a Funday and Funday means all the day enjoyment to the fullest. We all forget our worries, tensions, problems and just we enjoy being relaxed and make the most of it anyhow. People often make their plans for how to spend their Sundays. They make their schedule of the things to do on Sunday. Some go out and enjoy, visiting some tourist destinations, having lunch or dinner in any good restaurants, or going to parties or club, some hang out with friends, watching movies in the theatre, shopping in malls and several other ways are there to spend a memorable Sunday with others. Some remain alone and spend whole the day within them. So, that’s how the majority of people do on their Sundays. What I do, most of the time remain busy visiting places, poetry events, and stuff like that. So my Sunday is also a very hectic one and can be said a little busy. So what about you? What do you do on Sundays? Do you have any plans this Sunday? Check out our list of “What to do on Sunday?” to find out what one can do on Sunday:
What are the things to do on Sunday?
Place: Decide and Derive
The first thing which strikes my mind while making the program for Sunday is to go to visit a place. Any place which is good enough to visit. Say a historical monument or a restaurant or a mall, it can be anything. I usually don’t plan but when I go out then I decide where to go. So it’s better if you plan before you leave for the place. Visiting historical places is a good way to spend your Sunday as it will also provide you knowledge so it will be serving two purposes. A little planning is better so that unexpected incidents can be avoided to make the journey memorable. The best thing to do on Sunday is to go out.
Read Travelling with Friends
Hanging out with Friends
Sundays are meant to be celebrated out. Everyone has their own plans to make the best of it. And it is about sitting with old friends, remembering the old days. Friends sit with chai (tea) and pakoda. These are some of the best moments to be spent told by friends. College friends and a long drive on bikes and there are other ways people love to enjoy on Sundays. Especially if you are in Delhi NCR, there are hundreds of ways to make the Sundays memorable.

Movie and Shopping
There are people like who don’t find time on working days, devote the Sundays for shopping and movies. Though I don’t prefer movies, yes Sundays can be good for shopping. Movies are good things to do on Sunday. As you are free and you have whole the day to spend, shopping can be a good option for a couple of hours. Else watching movies on the weekend is a good mind refresher.

Visiting Someone/Friends/Relatives
On Sunday, we can visit our friends or relatives. If they aren’t too much far and can be visited in a day then it is a good option to follow. I myself visit my home most of the time on weekends. This is also among the best things to do on Sunday.
Write on Weekend
People who love to write but due to their busy schedules are not able to write much, they can sit and write down whole events of a week. One can make notes and with the help of those notes, sit down and write everything out of those notes. Writing a daily diary is a good thing still if there are time constraints, you can note down the basic points and then elaborate them on Sundays. We can include it in the list of things to do on Sunday.
Do Creative on Sundays
Everyone doesn’t have time on working days. So if you have habits, habits of writing, habits of painting, drawing, art, sketching and others, you can perform them on Sundays. Get a place to work on where you find fewer disturbances and start working on your creativity. Creativity can be among the top of the list of things to do on Sunday.
Well, everyone has their own ways of spending Sundays. Everyone has their own plans and schedules. Whatever is written here is based on discussion and observation, so it may or may not meet your schedules. These above mentioned are some of the basic things which we all prefer to do, though they may or may not be practiced by everyone in their lives. But one thing is sure Sunday is a Funday and should be celebrated.